Tuesday, August 26, 2003

Went to the beach this past weekend and finished up the pier. We were able to prevent the inevitable "Clyde" on the pier except for one portion, that may be able to be remedied in the future. As for now, we are done, but would like to add an additional walk way in order to have a bigger, better ramp down to the floating piece. Sorry, I have no pictures, but I do have an excuse to go back soon.

My highlight/lowlight of the trip was losing my brother's rod n reel to an apparent monster of a red drum deep in Sauce Pan creek. The fish jerked the rod out of my hands into the boat, and then out of the boat at a pace that would rival a ski boat. As a result of this, Phil will be getting a new rod n reel, and I have a bad story to tell as well as a lesson learned.

Wednesday, August 06, 2003

Been promising to post some of these pics from the honeymoon for awhile now, so here are some of the better shots that we took in St. Thomas.

Sunrise looking over onto to St. John

uh, I had a digital camera and took a pic of a sailboat...?

another pic of St. John from the balcony

Sunset Cruise

My beautiful wife, Mandy in an "action shot"

Another shot from the balcony

Mandy and I, somewhere that we decided to jump off of the scooter and get a pic.

Mandy and I on the Sunset Cruise beers = +4

Some seagulls picking off minnows over at Coral World

And finally, we stayed at the Wyndam Sugar Bay Resort

Monday, August 04, 2003

Well, we got more done than pops had thought that we would. We got the decking put on the new pier, but there is still some considerable work left. The floating dock has to be built, a new ramp (you can see from the pic that we left the old piece there so we could walk onto the pier), and a hand rail for all the little guys that go out there.

We actually got to go fishing, but did not have much luck in the heat, pops and I caught three small flounder between us, and Mandy managed to land a Toad Fish prior to leaving.

here is a pic of the pier:

Friday, August 01, 2003

Heading down to the beach this afternoon to help pops build a new dock. I will try and take some b4 and afters of the dock for the ole blog, but I am not sure how much he will already have had done. The old dock may be gone by the time we get up tommorow to start.

Hopefully, I will be able to influence the layout and overall the usage of dock so that we will have somewhere to sit on those cool evenings...but, Clyde could prevail and it end up looking like ||=|| again. For those who do not know what that represents, sorry, that we have gotten down there together, but I am sure that you understand the term "Rodriguez" when it is applied to projects and jury rigging something that you are working on. In the Hatley family, we have deemed this approach as "Clyding" a project. We will see....

here is a pic of the view down there:

and one of the house:

and one of what I would rather be doing than building a dock:

and finally, one of THE MAN himself:
